Our cutting department has the capability of producing 353,000 units per week.

Our fusing department has the capability to produce 400,000 units per week. We have the ability of a 24 hour turn around time on most orders.

We have 14 - 45 Section Tables, 30 Spreading Machines, 30 Straight Knifes, 1 Maker Copying Machine, 10 Strapping Machines, 4 Hot Cold Drills, 2 Fusing Machines, 2 Computerize Grading and Marking, 2 Oteman Automatic Psreading Machines, and 5 Kuris Wastema Computerize Cutting Machines.

The type of fabrics we can handle the most of are:
Satin, Lycra, Rayon, Silks, Velvet's, Denim, Knits, Stripes, Plaids, Fleece, Terrycloth, and Jerseys.

We currently are running 60 sewing machines, and are producing 20,000 units per day. We are also going to expand are sewing department, to produce more units.
